Monday, August 24, 2015

Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes

If you like smoothies as much as I do I am sure you will love these smoothie recipes.

Banana Berry Delight Smoothie

  • one cup of frozen berries 
  • one cup of unsweetened almond milk 
  • a half of a large banana 
  • and 2 teaspoon of Stevia 
combine all of the ingredients into a blender and enjoy.

Berry Yogurt Smoothie
  1. one cup of unsweetened vanilla yogurt 
  2. one whole large banana 
  3. and a half cup of unsweetened almond milk 
  4. three or four ice cubes 
combine all of the ingredients into a blender and enjoy.

Creamy Peach Yogurt Smoothie
  • one cup of unsweetened vanilla yogurt 
  • 1 cup of frozen peaches 
  • a half cup of unsweetened almond milk 
combine all of ingredients into a blender and enjoy.